Personal injury
The Personal Injury and Costs team is led by Frances Lawley (barrister, 2007 call).
We cover the work of a variety of teams within DWF, including Cat PI, Occupational Health, Motor, Fraud and Costs, providing a full service including advisory, drafting and advocacy work as well as attendance and representation at ADR.
We are able to accept a wide range of instructions from very high value catastrophic personal injury matters down to volume work such as representation at stage 3 quantum hearings.
Unlike traditional chambers, our ‘in-house’ nature means we are able to draw on deep and broad sector understanding from our position within the firm. Our team members sit alongside specialist solicitors, as well as a range of in-house connected services, providing a seamless client experience. This allows us to deliver the very best representation at rates competitive with the external Bar.
Working alongside DWF’s award-winning insurance team our PI/insurance team members bring market-leading insight, deep legal expertise and a seamless client service. Our innovative in-house structure supports this in a way traditional chambers can’t. By working alongside many solicitors and claims specialists, as well as Medical and Rehabilitation managers, iForensic (our forensic accountancy service) and in-house collision investigation experts, we’re able to develop a better cultural understanding of the case, as well as improving its day-to-day management.
Our team members are skilled in drawing in sector-specific understanding of claims ranging from RTA and motor claims, through to NIHL and disease claims, EL/PL, product liability, police and prison claims. We have particular expertise in handling interlocutory matters, fraudulent claims and matters relating to costs and case management.